China to Foreign Patent Annual Fee Renewal Services - Shanghai Evershine
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China to Foreign Patent Annual Fee Renewal Services

In addition to patent fees paid to China IPO (intellectual property Office), Evershine’s service fee per patent can be under US$60, depending on patent numbers per each engagement.
China Evershine Patent Attorney Firm is a member of  Evershine 20+ affiliated enterprises .
Combining three expertise in Patent, IT and Accounting, Evershine is very competitive in providing patent annuity renewal services.
In terms of patents, Evershine Patent Attorney Firm is  a member of Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association which are regulated by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Republic of China. Please see the list of patent attorneys. We are:139, A0249 ,0169 ,陳中成 ,永輝專利師事務所 ,+886-2-2717-0515.
Evershine have its in-house RPA (Robotic Process Automation) IT engineers to access patent detailing information from each IPO, which assure service quality.
And Evershine have set up its own subsidiaries in 20+ countries and have its own bank accounts in each country.
When Foreign patent owners entrust Evershine to pay China annual patent fee, they can pay us through each of our 20+subsidiaryes in their chosen currency.
After receiving entrusted patent annuity fee , through the cloud collaboration system, Evershine China accountable colleagues will pay to China IPO immediately.
Evershine CPAs Firm/Evershine Patent Attorney Firm
contact by phone during working hours of China time zone (GMT+):
Manager Bing Weng, well-English speaker, U.K. Graduate School Alumni
Mobile: +86-180-5008-2372 in China mainland

CHINA Patent Annuity Payment Procedures

 Workflow of China Patent Renewal Service

When foreign patent owners engaging us to pay China patent annuity, the workflow of service for the collection and paying-out will be as follows:
Foreign patent owners or patent law firms provide “Major Patent Information”: Patent Granted by CHINA, Patent application number, Patent publication number , chosen payment location and currency.
Based on the above ”Major Patent Information , we use RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to obtain the patent detailing information from China IPO and check the correctness of the data, and then generate “Annual Patent Fee Confirmation Letter.”
Send “Annual Patent Fee Confirmation Letter” by email for client confirmation. ## Use the confirmed “Patent Annual Fee Confirmation Letter” to run a “Patent Annual Fee Payment Notice”.
 The client takes the “Patent Annual Fee Payment Notice” to remit the money to Evershine Subsidiary. The remittance can be made by ATM, bank counter or other collection and payment.
After receiving payment from you  through  one of Evershine subsidairies, immediately notify the responsible Evershine colleague in CHINA , accessing the website of the intellectual property o office of CHINA, to pay patent annual fee through Evershine China bank account.
Use RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to check if successful to pay out at China IPO and raise the alarm if it is unsuccessful.
After CHINA IPO receiving remittance of patent annuity fee , we will obtain the government fee receipt . And then we forward both government fee receipt and Evershine service fee receipt to the foreign patent holder.

Template of Evershine China for providing patent renewal Service to Foreign Patent Holders  are as follows:

Dear Sirs/Madam:
We are pleased to offer you our patent renewal service PRS (Patent Renewal Services) in China.
# # Our service system and procedures are as follows:
* Evershine will provide PRS (Patent Renewal Services) System that allows colleagues among parties to collaboratively work together instead by email.
* All the correspondence, including the payment receipt after the patent fee being paid to intellectual property office in CHINA, will be integrated in one platform. All email notifications are backed up by a third-party, Gmail or the email address you specify.
* Your colleagues will be able to query each-patent-already-paid government fee receipt.

# # Regular Notice for Paying-out Patent Annual Fee
(Being arranged only your annual assignments is more than a certain amount)
* Evershine will notify you in the month of the patent starting-being-paid date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month 90 days prior to the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month 60 days prior to the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month 30 days before the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month 15 days before the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month after the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you 30 days after the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you 90 days after the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you in the month 120 days after the patent expiration date.
* Evershine will notify you 150 days after the patent expiration date.

# # Your remittance periods
* Your company must remit the annual patent fee to Evershine 15 calendar days before the patent expiration date, based on the date of your remittance slip issued by bank.
* If your company remitted to Evershine 15 calendar days before the due date, but Evershine did not pay before the due date, the late payment fee will be borne by Evershine.
* If your company fails to remit to Evershine 15 calendar days before the due date, resulting in the failure to pay the patent before the due date, the late payment fee will not be borne by Evershine.
* After you send out the confirmed “Annual Patent Fee Confirmation Letter” to Evershine , the execution content and fee charge cannot be changed in principle.

# # Our service items and service charges are as follows:

* The amount of the official patent annual fee paid to CHINA IPO is calculated into NTD from your chosen currency , and Exchange rate will be the selling rate of your country’s index bank on the date of printing the “Patent Annual Fee Payment Note.”
* In addition to patent fees paid to China IPO (intellectual property Office), Evershine’s service fee per patent can be under US$60, depending on patent numbers per each engagement.

If you want to know more about other Evershine subsidiaries who provide Patent Renewal Services, please refer to the following links.

Country-wise Patent Annuity Renewal Services for foreign patent owners
Country-wise Patent Annuity Payment Procedures Q&A

Contact us :
Evershine CPAs Firm/Evershine Patent Attorney Firm
contact by phone during working hours of China time zone (GMT+):
Manager Bing Weng, well-English speaker, U.K. Graduate School Alumni
Mobile: +86-180-5008-2372 in China mainland

Additional Information

Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Taipei,  Xiamen,  Beijing,  Shanghai, New York,  San Francisco,  Houston,  Phoenix Tokyo,  Seoul,  Hanoi,  Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok,  Singapore,  Kuala Lumpur,  Jakarta,  Manila, Melbourne,  Sydney,   New Delhi,   Mumbai, Frankfurt,  London,   Toronto.

Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Phoenix, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware; Berlin, Stuttgart;Paris; Amsterdam; Prague; Czech Republic; Bucharest; Bangalore; Surabaya; Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Donguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin.

Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees. Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people. Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®. (version: 2021/05) Please send email to

More City and More Services please click Sitemap

Services in Shanghai Area

Company registration,
Open bank account,
Work Permit and Visa application;
Online Accounting Services,
Payment Services,
Tax Compliance Services;
Payroll compliance Services,
Trademark Registration;
Due Diligence for M&A project,
Selling-out Business on behalf of Seller

Shanghai Company Setup

*International Tax Planning
*Company Registration

*Work Permit Application
*Food and Drink Business Permit and License Application
*Medical Devise Business Permit and License Application
*ICP (Internet Content Provider) Permit and License Application

Shanghai Accounting

We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll system.
We are a member of LEA and IAPA.
Our affiliated companies are located at major cities in Eastern China area.
We are featured in providing services to the overseas entities of MNC (Multi-National-Companies) parent companies.

Shanghai Payroll Services

*Labor Law Regulation compliance audit.
*Evershine use online payroll relevant 4-in-1 System support our services:
-GPS-Clock or on-site Face-ID-Clock;
-Leave system ; Overtime System;
-Payroll Parameter Collection System;
-payroll gross to net calculation
*Pay salary through internet Banking Function.